Are No Follow Links Important?

[Understand How Link-Building Works]

No matter how long you’ve been in the SEO game, you know how important links are in building your online presence. Link building is a significant ranking factor for search engines like Google and Bing. When you have quality inbound links on your web pages, those pages will rank higher in searches. As a result, you get more traffic, and you are able to build your brand’s visibility and reputation.

As you learn more about the value of link building, you have undoubtedly heard about no-follow links. You may know these types of links don’t have direct impact on the SEO of your website. On the surface, you may ask questions such as the following:

Are no-follow links important to my strategy?

Are no-follow links good for SEO?

Do no-follow links help SEO at all?

If you are on the fence about no-follow links and their importance to your SEO strategy, this article will give you a better understanding of the role of no-follow links in generating traffic to your websites.

How Are Links Used for SEO?

In simple terms, links are used in SEO to connect web pages to one another. A link leads you to somewhere, whether it is another page, an image, or even a video. There are internal links that link to different pages within the same domain. These links redirect viewers around your website and help increase your ranking because viewers simply stay on your site longer to view content. External links also direct your audience to another website to provide further insight regarding the content you share with viewers.

You also have backlinks where other websites are linking to your websites. Backlinks are considered gold in SEO terms because the more backlinks you have from reputable sites, the higher you rank in search engines. The name holds true for natural links, which occur when another website will link with you because they feel you provide valuable content and are trustworthy. As you dig in deeper, you will find other forms of links that will increase traffic and help build your brand—including the no-follow link

What are No Follow Links?

So what is a no-follow link SEO?

A no-follow link is a “flag” for a search engine not to count it towards a page’s rank. No follow links also do not help a page’s placement in search engine result pages (SERP).

When people click on a no-follow link on a webpage, that link will work and lead people to another page, but that link will have “link juice” and count towards the page’s overall rank on search engines. These links are easy to discern when you take a peek at the HTML code and see the “<a href” tag. If you see “rel=” nofollow” attribute between the opening <a> and the closing “</a>” it is a no-follow link.

Are No Follow Links Important?

If a no-follow link doesn’t count for page rank and doesn’t have an impact on search engines, you may ask are no-follow links important? Is no follow good for SEO?

No-follow links can be seen as a spam blocker. Google created the no-follow attribute in 2005 in response to the increasing number of self-proclaimed SEO experts who found a way to manipulate link building to increase page rank. Before no follow SEO, more links meant more of that important “link juice” to help pages move up on search engines. As a result, many web designers began artificially creating links by spamming many websites’ comment sections.

Nowadays, no-follow links are used for paid links, forums, comment sections, and other areas where Google deems untrusted content. No-follow links can be powerful tools in providing increased referral traffic. Well-placed blog comments or posts can help increase traffic to your website and, in turn, increase leads, sales, and can help you build your brand. This is especially true on social media platforms such as Twitter and Facebook.

How to Find Digital Marketing Services to Improve SEO

If you are looking to take your digital marketing to the next level, seeking the help of a reputable digital marketing firm is a massive step in the right direction. However, digital marketing agencies are thick on the ground, and many claims to help your digital marketing grow with little or no track record. Since 2017, MGMT Digital has stood head and shoulders above other marketing firms.

MGMT Digital is a boutique marketing agency specializing in the healthcare marketing field. We help create individualized digital and traditional marketing strategies personalized to fit your specific needs. Our sole focus is on finding the marketing solutions you need while you can focus on your business.

Check out our digital marketing case studies to see how our dynamic and creative marketing approaches help businesses grow and flourish. Contact us today!

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