Drug Rehab Lead Generation

Know where your clients are coming from with targeted lead generation and reporting.


More than any other field, tracking leads is vital for drug rehabs and treatment centers. The people coming to your site and replying to your ads are looking for lifelines. They need you and by documenting how people and potential patients react to your outreach, from initial contact to walking through your doors, you’ll gain stronger insight into what’s working with your addiction treatment marketing plan as a whole.

If you’re not sure where your leads are coming from or what’s effective in generating them in the first place, you’re not only wasting money on generating those leads but you’re also missing the opportunity to change the course of an addicts life.

Benefits of HIPAA Compliant Call & Form Tracking

It’s never been easier to understand what’s driving leads to your website and phone calls to your office. Despite that, we constantly see treatment centers have a tough time articulating what works for them in terms of identifying what motivates their leads. To that end, call and form tracking are widely used tools across the digital marketing landscape and for good reason. Simply tracking calls and forms is only one aspect of it, it’s also critical to score them. Without keeping tabs and creating internally trackable metrics, in the form of grades and scores for each interaction, you won’t have any idea of which steps in your marketing plan are working. And you’ll be right back at square one. However, when it comes to anything related to the medical field, there’s another key consideration before signing up for just any tracking tool; HIPAA compliance.

HIPAA, or the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, is all about your client’s rights to privacy. The California Department of Health Care Services sums the relevant portion up nicely, “the regulations require health care providers and organizations, as well as their business associates, to develop and follow procedures that ensure the confidentiality and security of protected health information (PHI) when it is transferred, received, handled, or shared. This applies to all forms of PHI, including paper, oral, and electronic, etc. Furthermore, only the minimum health information necessary to conduct business is to be used or shared”. In a nutshell, the inbound calls and forms to your treatment center, which will very likely include personal matters and pertinent medical history, need to be handled correctly. Making sure your rehab is adhering to HIPAA is not only the right move in terms of morals, but it’s a legal obligation.

Fortunately, given the importance of being able to track information ethically in this field, there are specific solutions out there, end to end in nature, that let you get the metrics and data you need without comprising sensitive material in the process. The benefits of keeping things compliant are self-evident but the big one is trust. Starting your interactions on a foundation of trust instills confidence that you’ll be doing the same throughout.

Treatment & Healthcare Digital Marketing Services That Make a Difference.

From digital marketing to consulting, MGMT Digital offers every service your center needs to establish and grow your brand. We are seasoned experts in behavioral healthcare marketing and we will create a strategy that fits your facilities needs.

Chat Now! How Live Chat Can Help Your Drug Rehab

You’re browsing the web, maybe shopping for a gift or looking into a service of some kind, and you notice some action in the bottom right corner of your screen. A little chat window in case you need some immediate help. No doubt you’ve seen this pop up on more and more sites these days. Think of it as a side effect of living in the hyperconnected, instant gratification age in which we do.

There are two types of chat to consider for your drug rehab lead generation; chatbots and live chat. Chatbots are powered by artificial intelligence and designed to answer common questions and redirect to other means of communication with your rehab. They certainly serve a purpose but are more hands-off. Chatbots can end up leading to frustrating experiences for the user since they’ll naturally be expecting a real person to answer.

That’s where live chat can be a game-changer. Particularly with a subject as touchy and sensitive as drug and alcohol addiction, people may have some trepidation in getting on the phone. It can understandably create some unease and nervousness, the idea of opening up is scary, be it with a prospective patient or someone calling on their behalf. Being able to text or type creates natural separation and a digital safe space that gives people the comfort to express themselves. Add to that the HIPAA compliance and the convenience of easy access from any phone or computer and live chat can help facilitate meaningful connections. Once you’ve laid that groundwork of trust you move along the path of segueing from text to talk and eventually of getting those people into your facility to get them started on recovery.


The secret sauce of turning leads into admissions is in how you nurture them. Just getting leads isn’t enough, treatment doesn’t start until people are actually in your building, and the procedure by which they eventually get there is called lead nurturing. Getting a lead is sort of like your first impression and first impressions aren’t generally going to seal the deal with anything. People don’t buy a car after seeing a commercial, they go read about it online, reviews, testimonials and such. Then they go to the dealership, take the car out for a spin…and then they think about it some more. If people put that much thought into a car, they’re most assuredly going to heavily weigh options relating to life and death.

That’s where lead generation for drug rehabs comes in. It involves engaging on a deeper level with leads and providing them value. This ties into your content marketing strategy. Lead nurturing is listening to the problems and fears people have and offering support and solutions at every step. Keeping in contact in a way that’s real and consequential. Your treatment center may be the best out there but people need to be convinced. Rightfully so, they’re not just buying a car after all.

How MGMT Can Help You Convert More Admits with Drug Rehab Lead Generation

We get that this all seems endless, the whole process of generating, tracking and nurturing leads. You want to spend your time focused on the tough and transformative work of providing topflight treatment. You do not want to worry about drug rehab leads and the ins and outs of having to adjust your Healthcare content marketing strategy to better address hurdles in engagement.

That’s where we shine, at MGMT we appreciate the finer details of implementing lead tracking & custom reporting and analytics. We will handle your addiction treatment SEO, paid ads efforts, branding, and more. We know what it means to have that spark of connection with a treatment center. We’ve been there, literally, and want people to inspire people to connect with your facility and get back control of their lives.


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