Branding Design + Strategy

Change how people see your business through an effective branding and design campaign.


Intuitively you get it. You know it yet may not be fully aware of the fact that you see branding in action every single day. Even if you spend the entire day inside, away from everyone and everything, branding still reaches you. It’s part of the ketchup in your fridge, the social media apps on your phone, the computer you’re working on.

Branding is big and it can transform how your addiction treatment center is viewed. What is it though? In short, it’s what makes your company memorable. It’s your logo, color choice, imagery, tone and other details that come together to make your business distinct from others and it’s the basis for how people build their perception of you. Branding is the science of what makes your addiction treatment facility stand out in a crowded field and collaborating with brand strategy and design agency can set you up for success.

How to Tell Your Treatment Facility's Story with Effective Branding

Make no mistake, not focusing on this has a tangible effect. Poorly constructed and haphazardly executed branding has a powerful subconscious effect on how we view things that directly inform our decision making. You’ve very likely have had this play out in your own life when visiting websites that don’t “feel” right.

Let’s take an extreme example of a site that looks like it was built on GeoCities and using comic sans font. What did you visualize and reflexively decide about the company behind it? That they certainly haven’t adapted and gotten with the times perhaps? You don’t even know the service they offer but it doesn’t exactly engender much confidence in their ability to deliver it. Those are the snap judgments people are making when they visit your site or come across your brand. Given that, you can plainly see how effective branding can completely alter a potential client’s view of you when compared to a competitor. The old saying, “you never get a second chance to make a first impression” speaks to the power of getting this aspect of your marketing fine-tuned.

Projecting your rehab’s story well and with consistency across all mediums and platforms builds brand integrity. Making sure your tone is the same everywhere, your logos are up to date on your social media and business cards and your overall design is in line with your vision. All that forms a powerful foundation of trust before a prospective patient or loved one even gets in touch with you.

Telling your story with effective branding is more important than ever now because people are becoming increasingly better at critically assessing companies, their eyes getting ever keener for inconsistencies that hint at a lack of attention to detail and execution elsewhere. That’s why working with a boutique digital marketing agency like MGMT Digital, seasoned in the drug rehab industry is key.

02Treatment & Healthcare Digital Marketing Services That Make a Difference.

From digital marketing to consulting, MGMT Digital offers every service your center needs to establish and grow your brand. We are seasoned experts in behavioral healthcare marketing and we will create a strategy that fits your facilities needs.


Wondering where to start? After in-depth discussions with you about the important differentiators you bring to the table and your unique sales proposition, we take a look at the competitive landscape you’re operating in.

This isn’t to crib and steal ideas but rather to get an understanding of where you fit in among your competitors. Seeing what works for them could very well be disastrous for you but learning and analyzing the competitions absolutely can inform some of the direction we take in creating your branding. Knowing where they stand will help us make you stand out.








MGMT Digital's Unique Approach to Branding for Addiction Treatment Centers

Details. Details. Details. Those 3 steps are at the core of a strong branding plan for addiction treatment centers and they paint everything we do at MGMT because at the end of the day, as any branding and design agency worth its salt will tell you, it’s all in the details. In practice, that means more than just designing a neat logo and replacing the old one on your letterhead and Instagram account.

Before anything tangible gets put down we continue our analytical and knowledge-based approach. Along with competitor analysis, we go through the painstaking work of a full assessment of your brand. We investigate your target market and what they respond most to, what makes them tick. That helps us create buyer personas which allow us to not only build a valuable and penetrating brand but also ties right into your content marketing strategy. Having well-developed persons allows us to make sure your ads are getting put in front of the exact people who need to see them. Those looking for treatment now. Only then, equipped with a mountain of data and expertise (in the form of custom reporting and tracking), do we dive into the creative that people will actually see. Putting that back-of-the-house work to good use.

What does that look like? Alignment.

We create a unified vision for your treatment center, from a newly designed logo to the color palette we paint from and all the way down to the font we use. These things all matter and have a psychological effect on those who see it. Once the pieces are in place, we apply them across the board. No stone left unturned in the quest for brand uniformity and fine tuning all your collateral. Bringing it all in line with your new branding. Then it’s onto the process of putting all those little components into a standardized brand guide, an easy to follow roadmap for keeping things consistent moving forward.

It’s the creation of an entire addiction treatment facility brand strategy, fueled by information.

Stand Out & Build Trust with Effective Branding

Your branding is most likely going to be a person’s first touchpoint with you, the very first impression you give and they get. Don’t leave that to chance or hope what you have is good enough. Branding is too important to just do piecemeal over time, people pick up on the discrepancies which that creates and they notice when things don’t feel quite right with a company. In a field like a substance abuse treatment, confidence is paramount. You wouldn’t want to miss out on any opportunity that allows you to build trust and branding does just that.

Get in touch with our drug rehab marketing agency and let’s talk more about what branding can do for you.


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