Non Profit Centers

Non Profit Marketing Services

Non-profit organizations play a vital role in providing the services, goods, and resources in meeting the needs of their communities. According to data from The Johns Hopkins 2019 Nonprofit Employment Report, non-profits hold more than 12.3 million jobs of total U.S. private sector employment. Those who work in the non-profit sector comprise the third-largest workforce among U.S. industries, behind food and retail and just below the manufacturing industry.

If you work in this crucial sector in your community, designing a sound non-profit marketing strategy to promote your services is essential in reaching the broadest audience possible. You understand the importance of marketing for non-profit organizations, but may be unsure of what goes into a strategic non-profit marketing plan. If you are in this situation, MGMT Digital is here to help. 

This page will outline why marketing—especially digital non-profit marketing—is necessary for your organization. We will also cover different marketing strategies you can use to grow your brand, and why it is beneficial to utilize an external non-profit marketing agency such as MGMT Digital to help expand your reach. 


02The Importance of Marketing in Non-Profit Organizations

While it is true that marketing is crucial to all businesses, the importance of marketing in a non-profit organization is vital. In fact, non-profit marketing is essential for your organization’s survival. By simple definition, non-profits do not provide monetary benefits to their members. Instead, non-profits use the money they have to provide the services and support they need to help their community as a whole. Non-profits generate revenue through individual donations, grants, and other government funding, sales, fundraising, and cause-related marketing (also known as charity marketing).

Non-profit marketing—especially digital non-profit marketing—is critical in keeping this revenue stream open. By showing people the width and breadth of what you provide for people in the community, those who provide that funding see the good you are doing and will more than likely keep contributing to your organization. Additionally, other organizations can see what your non-profit does for the community and may be inclined to donate.

With the tremendous benefits non-profits provide for the community, coming up with a non-profit marketing strategy can be difficult. Often, non-profits are small and have limited funds allocated to marketing. Even for large non-profits like the YMCA and Amnesty International, finding ways to market their services that maximize impact while staying within budget is always a top priority. In order to achieve long-term objectives, a non-profit strategic marketing plan must be well-conceived as well as creative.


02Nonprofit Marketing Strategies

As stated in the previous section, non-profit marketing strategies need to be well thought out and creative. This is especially true if you work for a smaller non-profit and have a limited marketing budget. While having limited resources can be frustrating, it ignites out-of-the-box thinking that can grow your non-profit’s brand and allow you to get more funding to funnel towards marketing. The following are effective non-profit strategic marketing ideas that can be implemented starting today:

Optimize Your Website

It goes without saying; your non-profit’s website is your calling card and people’s first impression of your organization. In order for your non-profit to grow and get increased funding from donors and organizations, your website must be top-notch. There are simple ways to optimize your website to achieve the best consumer experience. First and foremost, your website needs to be well laid out, eye-catching, and easy for people to navigate. Also, your website’s servers should be fully functional so people can browse without seeing broken links have trouble opening pages.

You should also focus on the content you provide on your website. Content should be engaging, easy to digest, relevant to your audience, and enriched with the keywords that can help your website rank in the search engines. Another important component of a great website is backlinks. Linking to other reputable sites in your community gives your website and organization more credibility and authority—and it also helps you rank high in search engines. 

A creative approach to optimize your website is to use influencers who care and are passionate about your cause and what your organization provides. These influencers can be important community members, local celebrities, and maybe even national celebrities (think big, be creative!). These endorsements will help bring increased foot traffic to your website.

Increase Social Media Presence

Your non-profit marketing strategy needs to include an increased social media presence. Social media is ever-present and everywhere. It is estimated that 82 percent of Americans have a social media profile. This large and captive audience is fertile ground to grow your non-profit. Become more active on platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn. While you may want to create new fresh content for your social media pages, you can repurpose the content you have on your website. If you are able, you can boost your most popular posts and run paid social ads. You may also want to take advantage of Facebook Fundraisers to increase awareness of your mission.

Video Content

If a picture is worth a thousand words, a video can be worth a million. Posting video content on your website, social media pages, or vlogs can make a world of difference and reach new audiences. Video campaigns can show people the work your non-profit does on a daily basis and puts a face to the organization. Video content should be professionally shot and convey a fun, personable, and even empathetic tone. Ultimately, video content should evoke emotion and compel people to act and give of their time and donations.

Email Marketing

Email marketing is a direct way to contact your donors and supporters. Since you already have an email list, you don’t need to go through other channels or rely on algorithms to obtain them. Email marketing is a great way to foster relationships with those interested in your non-profit and also a great fundraising tool. Regular email newsletters keep people up to speed on what your organization is doing and any upcoming events. You can also link resources to your emails to give people more information.

Why Choose a Digital Marketing Agency for Your Nonprofit?

If you are in charge of marketing for your non-profit, you undoubtedly know that marketing is time-consuming. Since you are wearing several hats in your organization, it can be very difficult to keep up with marketing duties while trying to juggle your other important obligations. If you feel overwhelmed with marketing, now is the time to consider a digital marketing agency for non-profits. These agencies will do the heavy lifting for you and create a digital marketing plan that will help grow your agency and extend your reach.

Why choose an external non-profit marketing agency? The simple reason is that the sole focus of these agencies is digital and traditional marketing. These agencies work with you and analyze your current needs and goals as well as your future goals. With that in mind, they will create a digital marketing strategy that perfectly fits your organization. As you grow and your needs grow, an experienced marketing team analyzes data and can implement new strategies and bolster existing strategies to meet demand.

MGMT Digital Can Help You Help More People

Your non-profit agency does tremendous work for your community. The services and programs you provide much-needed help and support to people in your area. The overriding goal of your non-profit is to reach as many people as possible, and MGMT Digital can get you there. Since 2017, the dedicated professionals at MGMT Digital have provided high-quality digital non-profit marketing strategies that fit your needs and budget. 

We are committed to helping your non-profit grow. We are results-driven, and we will work with you to design a dynamic marketing plan that can grow as your non-profit grows. 

Please fill out our contact form or email us at [email protected] to get started. We want to grow with you and help you achieve long-term success. Contact us today!


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